2025 Large Couplet
Elevate your Lunar New Year with our exquisite and impressive large couplets. Meticulously crafted from eco-friendly Korean felt and embroidered with premium German threads, these couplets showcase the timeless beauty of intricately embroidered peonies, symbolizing happiness and prosperity. Each piece is adorned with a meaningfully poetic auspicious blessing, elegantly cut and hand-sewn from luxurious Gold Lamé. An elegant addition that will infuse timeless charm and splendid opulence into your home.
Available in in 4 thoughtfully designed variations, each couplet carries a meaningful message:
1. 吉祥如意福星照, 富贵平安好运来
Good fortune and happiness illuminates your day, prosperity and peace gently graces your way
2. 天增岁月人增寿, 春满乾坤福满门
Heaven’s blessings extend through the years, life flourishes and longevity appears, spring’s bounty graces the earth, bestowing fortune upon every hearth
3. 生意興隆日昌盛, 广进财源年有余
May your business prosper with each passing day, may wealth flows endlessly, year after year
4. 滿堂榮光蒙神愛, 平安幸福喜乐年
May your home be bathed in radiant glory and God’s love, as peace and prosperity usher in a joyful year from above
- Korean Eco-friendly felt
- Quality threads from Germany
- Gold Lamé Fabric
Size: 30cm x 190cm
Made in Singapore